A series of tracking studies measuring American use of video services reveal podcasts and AM/FM radio are ideal marketing platforms for video streamers like Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, Paramount+, Hulu, and Disney+. Each quarter, Screen Engine/ASI, a leading market researcher for movie studios, video streamers, and TV networks, conducts a study of 2,000 Americans to understand their awareness and usage of video services. The Cumulus Media | Westwood One Audio Active Group® conducted an analysis of six recent quarterly studies spanning Spring 2023 to Fall 2024. Check out the findings that are highlighted on this week’s blog at: https://www.westwoodone.com/blog/2024/12/09/screen-engine-asi-audio-is-the-ideal-media-platform-to-market-video-streaming-services/.
Key findings reveal:
- Nielsen: Since 2021, video streaming’s share of TV time spent has soared from 26% to 40%
- Americans are cutting back on the number of ad-free video subscriptions while increasing the number of video services with ads
- Screen Engine/ASI: The audience profile of video streamers closely aligns with podcast and AM/FM radio listeners, not linear TV viewers
- While the profile of heavy audio consumers is a perfect match for the video streaming audience, most of the media budgets go to linear TV
- Despite massive spending on linear TV, ad recall levels for video services among heavy TV viewers are identical to those among heavy audio listeners
- A wide variety of AM/FM radio programming formats provide reach for the video streaming target audience
- Nielsen: At any spend level, AM/FM radio dramatically outreaches linear TV
- Nielsen Media Impact: AM/FM radio makes your TV better: Hulu experiences a +76% increase in reach with a 20% reallocation to AM/FM radio; Much of the reach growth occurs among younger demos and light TV viewers.
- To read the full blog post, visit: https://www.westwoodone.com/blog/2024/12/09/screen-engine-asi-audio-is-the-ideal-media-platform-to-market-video-streaming-services/.
View a 17-minute video of key findings at:
To download the accompanying slide set, visit: https://www.westwoodone.com/blog/2024/12/09/screen-engine-asi-audio-is-the-ideal-media-platform-to-market-video-streaming-services/#download.
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