Reach Media has canceled “The Amanda Seales Show” after a two-year run. The show, which debuted in November, 2022, aired its final episode at the close of 2024. Initially launched on Philadelphia’s 100.3 WRNB, then expanded to six weekday affiliates, including Hip Hop WCKX (Power 107.5) in Columbus and Hip Hop 106.5 in Columbus, GA. Additionally, it aired in Washington DC, Charlotte and Richmond, VA.
Seales addressed the cancellation on Instagram, revealing that the decision was influenced by the affiliates’ desire to avoid polarizing content. She noted feedback that she “was not funny enough on a consistent basis,” as her focus shifted towards politics and activism. Following the show’s end, Seales has started a new three-day-per-week video show.
In Philadelphia, WRNB will replace Seales’ slot with “The Morning Hustle,” hosted by locals Kyle Santillian and Lore’l, beginning January 13.
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